Acceptance with Joy – Women’s Household

“In all our troubles, our joy knows no bounds.” 2 Corinthians 7:4

As sisters in Acceptance with Joy, we aim to live and help one another live as Christians with emphasis on the charisma of accepting all things with joy. The vision of our household is to live with, love, serve, and encourage one another in our walk with Christ.

To be accepting means to surrender to God our lives as our Mother Mary so perfectly did. It does not mean to resign oneself to some uncertain bleak fate, but to follow the example of Christ in accepting whatever challenges our Lord gives us in humility and trust. This includes our trials and relationships with others. We must also accept our gifts and use them in our household and in our daily life. Because of the true definition of humility, we must recognize our strengths and our weaknesses. We must remember that it is through our challenges and pain that we grow closer to God because we learn to depend upon Him.

“Count if pure joy when you are involved in every sort of trial.” James 1:2

Once we have learned to accept, joy (inner peace) will follow. “Joy is not the absence of sorrow, it is the presence of God.” It is because of this joy that we can creatively accept anything and everything. In AWJ we try to emulate Mary’s acceptance of God’s will when she said,

“Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord, may it be done unto me according to Your Word.” Luke 1:38

By taking this commitment to heart we act with the full realization that our lives, like hers will be filled with times of trials where me must rely on God for our inner peace. Achieving inner peace and faith in God is essential to our call as Christians. We cannot allow ourselves to be filled with an uneasy spirit of fear or anxiety when we are faced with life’s uncertainties. To trust is fundamental in becoming closer to Christ.

Accepting joyfully our role as Christian sisters in household brings with it many responsibilities. Included in these responsibilities is the call to service. One type of service is the call to support one another through encouragement and prayer. Service also means that we are to affirm one another, trying to help one another grow in the life that God desires them to live.

“If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last and servant of all.” Mark 9:35

By trying to “accept with joy” what God brings into our lives, we have a responsibility to have a deep respect for the people God places in our path. That is to respect authority and also to respect one another. We are called to honor the authority of God and all people: Priests, Residence Life, our advisor, coordinator, and share group leaders. This should be exemplified in our speech- no gossip, our day-to-day conduct, and in our daily encounters

Our Lady of Sorrows, Pray for us.
