Carae Domini - Women's Household

“Love one another with the affection of sisters. Anticipate each other in showing respect. Do not grow slack, but be fervent in spirit, He who you serve is the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in trial, persevere in prayer. Look on the needs of the saints as your own; be generous in offering hospitality. Bless your persecutors, bless and do not curse them. Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” (Romans 12:10-15)

Our Identity: Carae Domini means “Beloved of the Master.” As daughters of God and sisters to each other, we come together to commit ourselves to God, His Holy Will, and His image and likeness in one another. We unite to give praise and thanksgiving to our God in a special way. Sharing every aspect of our lives together, we strive for balance both as individuals and as a community. Seeking to grow in faith and holiness, we promise to encourage one another to see ourselves and therefore to live as the Beloved of the Master.

Our Model: As the Spouse of His Holy Spirit, we believe that Mary, the Mother of God, is the ultimate Beloved of the Master. We share a special devotion to her as a mother and exemplar of true womanhood. As the perfect model of purity and obedience to God’s will, we seek her constant intercession in our lives. In honor of her personhood and name, our household symbol is her most Immaculate Heart, our color is blue, and our song is “Immaculate Mary.”

Our Commitments: We commit every area of our lives to God’s care and protection. We commit ourselves to prayer every day, knowing that dialogue with God is essential to a life of intimacy with Him. During our time of prayer, we promise to pray for one another. As a body, we commit to spending time together and to the attendance of weekly Lord’s Day and dinner, Rosary, Intercessions, share group and Household Mass.

Our Goal: Through the life we share together, we promise to serve one another in whatever small ways we can. During our times together, we try to build each other up and encourage the development of our gifts. We seek the best interest of our sisters, God’s highest good for our lives: Sainthood.

God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, bless Carae Domini with your love and peace. Draw us nearer always to your Heart. Protect us from the evil one. Make us faithful and holy as you meant us to be. Mary, our Mother, pray that we may be obedient as you are, and that we will always seek God’s truth. AMEN
