What we are to strive for as Knights of the Holy Queen is not only the greater glory of God, but the greatest glory we can possibly give him. “Whence follows the first and most essential condition, that you offer yourself totally to the Immaculata.” In doing so we are to give her our bodies and souls as her possessions, along with all our daily prayers and chores to offer as gifts to her Son. “Whence we and everything we have belongs to her, the Immaculate Virgin offers these affairs of ours to God not as ours but her own… In her hands everything we do is made pure and immaculate (by the power of the Holy Spirit, her Spouse), and takes on greater value.” This is why through her, we are able to give the greatest glory to God that we can possibly give him by our simple daily works and prayers.
There are certain things that being a Knight demands of us – to honor Mary and stand firm in one another. We must live our lives as loyal brothers. This bond of brotherhood is reached through communal daily prayer (the Rosary), and sharing our lives together (study times, Lord’s Day, Household meal, and Mass).
The way we live out our brotherhood brings honor to our Queen and calls our fellow Knights onto holiness.
– A Knight is a servant. The way we treat one another must be guided by humility, each kneels down to wash the feet of his brother Knight.
– A Knight is pure. We call one another on by words and example to purity in our relationships with women. For the honor of our Holy Queen, may we always honor all women; in our conduct towards them and in all our conversations about them.
– The key element of our conduct as Knights is LOVE, “the sum of the law and the prophets.” The love of our God, Mary, and of one another must be the motivation for all that we do. Living out these virtues as knights, under Mary’s mantle of prayer, we will stand back to back on the spiritual battlefield.
The essence of a Knight of the Holy Queen, for the greatest glory of God, is a total consecration to the Immaculate heart of Mary.
As instruments of her Immaculate heart and soldiers under her command in the service of our great King, with St. Michael, St. Maximilian Kolbe, and St. Joseph as our model Knights, we pray that we may become the heel of Mary. May our daily prayers and sacrifices be used by her to crush the head of the serpent out of one another’s lives, out of the University, and out of the world, so that through her, the perfect reign of Jesus Christ might come over all.
We entrust ourselves and our household, in this important molding period of our lives, into the womb of Mary, to be formed there by the power of the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ at Franciscan University, and as we go out to spread his kingdom throughout the world.