Covenant of the Lilies of Saint Joseph

“Do whatever he tells you.” John 2:5

Adonai, all things begin in You. Pour out your spirit upon us. You are our God and we are Your people. Let our actions speak in place of words as to who we are in You. We humbly ask for the graces to emulate Your servant Saint Joseph in all that we think, say, and do. In imitation of Christ we submit ourselves to the fatherhood of Saint Joseph and devote ourselves to him. We ask for his protection and guidance, as he cares for us and provides for our needs.

Most Humble Satin Joseph, we your daughters, your lilies, wish to follow your example of chastity, patience, courage, simplicity and faithfulness in every aspect of our lives. Let all our days be works of joy and gratitude, sacrificed to Adonai for His greater glory. Let our eyes be open to the will of Adonai in our lives, and may we follow Him wherever He may lead us. May we extend His mercy, love, and compassion to all that we meet. Forever let us remain steadfast in our identity as His children, to be strengthened by Him when we grow weary, and to be raised up by Him when we have fallen. St. Jospeh, we wish to be reflections of you to all that we meet. Teach us, O teacher of the Teacher, how to love and how to live. Save us, O savior of the Savior, from turning away from Adonai.

We wish to live out our collective and individual identity as Catholic women, learning from your example of perfect manhood how to more perfectly be authentic women. In the midst of this broken world, we choose to live out true femininity which upholds, cherishes, and nurtures the dignity of human life, allowing its unfolding both physically and spiritually. As we entrust ourselves to the folds of Mary’s mantle, we look to you, her husband, to learn how to love her better.

We are the Lilies of Saint Joseph. We are his and he is ours. Held in his arms, we are strengthened for the battles in our lives. Together as sisters we will fight the good fight all the days of our lives. In imitation of the Holy Family, we care for each other and love each other with all that we are.

Fo all our days, let us be present, ever faithful to Adonai. May His mercy be upon us and upon our children. May these written words remind us of what Adonai has written on our hearts and in our souls.

