Seraphic Valor - Men's Household

Paschal Mystery of the Week

Through the creation of the universe, God revealed to us how to live during the week. He reveals the sacredness of the week through its order and goodness. He invites us into the Paschal Mystery of the week through our desire to serve and worship Him. This desire is fulfilled when we accept the Sabbath as a gift from God, and with the Seraphim, worship Him in holy leisure. We call upon the angels, who are more fully aware of the sacredness and goodness of God’s creation, for guidance as we live the Paschal mystery of the week.

Brotherhood of Metanoia

St. Francis was transformed and received the Sacred Stigmata from a seraph who bore the likeness of Christ crucified. Similarly, the brothers of Seraphic Valor call upon angels to transform ourselves as we enter into a brotherhood of metanoia. This brotherhood consists of continuous conversion primarily through the sacraments of penance and Holy Communion. As St. Francis wore the clothes of a penitent, we emulate this by clothing our selves with the penitential dispositions of simplicity, purity, courage, minority and perfect joy.

Living Monstrance

Upon imitating St. Francis, we realize that his humility in bearing the Stigmata may be compared to Our Lady’s docility in her life with Christ. We find courage and strength to reveal Christ to others by receiving Christ’s Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in Holy Communion. By participating in the sacraments we plead to our lady, the first living monstrance, to intercede in bringing Christ’s love and truth to others.

The angels surround Christ our Lord, serving him especially in the accomplishment of his saving mission to men. Thus, in being a living monstrance to our brothers and sisters in Christ, we are confident in the support and protection of our guardian angels and their Queen.

Consecration to the Immaculate Conception

As missionaries in the area of Steubenville we offer ourselves with Christ for the corporal needs of the poor, the conversion of hearts and the salvation of souls. St. Bonaventure in his commentary on the Seraphic Rule said, “Those who are received into [the seraphic] order ought to be prepared for martyrdom.” Likewise, every brother in Seraphic Valor should be prepared for martyrdom. This is expressed in our devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. She brings our hearts closer to her Son’s Most Sacred Heart where we may experience true love as Christ teaches; “Greater love than this no one has, that one lay down his life for his friends.” This love does not stop even for death, but bears up, defeats and overcomes it. Thus we must consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate Conception in every day’s prayers, works, joys, and sufferings. This prepares us to abandon ourselves as an oblation to God’s providence.


“We who have received the grace of believing in Christ, the Revealer of the Father and Savior of the world, have a duty to show to what depths the relationship with Christ can lead.” The men of Seraphic Valor strive to fulfill this duty by: staying passionately committed to the Paschal Mystery of the week, embracing the Brotherhood of Metanoia, being Living Monstrances, consecrating ourselves to the Immaculate Conception, and abandoning ourselves as an oblation to God’s providence.
